Thato Ramooko
Thato Ramooko

Thato Ramooko

Creating idea into true reality
Starting from:


  • 5.0 /5.0 (06)
  • 100%Profile completion
  • Albuquerque, CA
Languages I know

A brief introduction

As a versatile tutor specializing in Information Technology (IT), UI design, and Business Management, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and strategic business acumen to the learning experience. In the realm of IT, I guide students through the intricacies of technology, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of systems, networks, and digital processes.
My proficiency in UI design adds a creative dimension to the curriculum, allowing students to master the art of creating user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interfaces. Moreover, my background in Business Management equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the dynamic landscape of organizational leadership, strategic planning, and decision-making.
Through a holistic teaching approach, I aim to not only impart technical skills but also foster a business-minded perspective, empowering students to excel in the intersection of technology and management. With a commitment to nurturing well-rounded professionals, I strive to prepare my students for success in the multifaceted fields of IT, UI design, and Business Management.


  • University of Florida
  • San Francisco, TN
  • June 2018 - Present
Accusamus et iusto odio dignissie corrupti quos dolores etolestias excepo officiale deserunt mollitia animi idendication estame laborum.Accusamus etae iusto odioignissie corrupti quos dolores etolestias excepto officiale deserunt mollitia animi endication estame laborum.
  • University of Florida
  • San Francisco, TN
  • May 2014 - April 2018
Accusamus et iusto odio dignissie corrupti quos dolores etolestias excepo officiale deserunt mollitia animi idendication estame laborum.Accusamus etae iusto odioignissie corrupti quos dolores etolestias excepto officiale deserunt mollitia animi endication estame laborum.
  • Auburn University
  • Atlanta, CO
  • April 2011 - December 2013
Accusamus et iusto odio dignissie corrupti quos dolores etolestias excepo officiale deserunt mollitia animi idendication estame laborum.Accusamus etae iusto odioignissie corrupti quos dolores etolestias excepto officiale deserunt mollitia animi endication estame laborum.

I can teach



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